give now

The Weld Community Foundation is a grants and scholarships provider, so partnering with us supports the vital ways we enrich our very own backyard. You can donate directly to the Foundation’s Spread the Good Fund (formerly the Impact Fund) or give to any fund we currently hold at the Foundation. Also, if you’d like to explore tailoring your own fund, information is below.

Give to our spread the good fund

This is how you can help support the Foundation’s charitable impact. Donate here if you’re looking to help continue spreading the good work of the Foundation through community-related grants.

Donate to a fund of your choice

Are you looking for a specific fund held at the Foundation? It may be a scholarship fund or a nonprofit endowment that someone referred you to, asking for support. You can look up the fund and give to it here.

Start a fund

Let the Foundation know about the causes you care about and tailor a chartable fund specifically for you. There are a lot of incredible options out there and we can help you make sense of them.

Now accepting donations of Cryptocurrency.