“This scholarship, and what it stands for, and who it represents, means the world to me,” writes Dario Garcia.
In 2016 a new scholarship was set up at the Foundation. In honor of Mary Lou Martinez (pictured left), the scholarship is awarded to first generation students looking to further their education.
Ironically, Mary Lou Martinez never had the opportunity to attend college. As a Hispanic girl of the 60’s, she was not particularly encouraged to attend, let alone excel at school, yet she still graduated from Longmont High School in 1965.
A scholarship named for Mary Lou is an unlikely vehicle to memorialize her, given her education level. But providing an opportunity to others, especially those battling unlikely odds seems exactly on point. She was never one to enjoy a spotlight of any kind, but found great joy in shining that light on others who were accomplishing their goals.
No doubt, she would certainly appreciate the assistance the scholarship provides for those working to blaze new trails not known within their own families.